
Well today has been on hell of a busy and packed day.Since mondays are my day off I take the boys to school/nursery to give Katy a chance to have a lie in or at least a rest. I try and plan a cycle for mondays too and today I managed to get out on the bike for first time in ages.

I had planned a route last night starting in Ellon and going to Fyvie and back by a different route. Well I got out there quite sharpish and headed off. Not sure how I would feel I decided to go as long as I felt good. As it turned out I managed the whole route.

It was just one of those days where I just kept going and i didn't worry about it being a good workout as I was just really enjoying being out there on my own and taking in evrything I came across. About 5 miles into the ride as I was going along a road I saw a hawk/ kestral or something similar on a fencepost. As I came up too it and only being about 2 or 3 feet away from it it took off heading in the same direction and landed on another post all the time being no more than 4 or 5 feet away.

This carried on for about a minute up the road and it was just simply the best experience i've had on the bike. To watch this superb creature flying next to me as such close quarters is something I won't forget in a long time. About a futher 2 or 3 miles up the road from this experience a even bigger bird of prey flew across my path around 20 feet in front of me. To see one was amazing but two on the same trip I think is very special.

On my way back to the car I saw a sign saying 4 miles to go but even though my legs, bum and neck were a bit sor I wouldn't of cared if it said 14 or 40 miles as it was just one of those days. Not that you'll be interested but if you want to look at the route CLICK HERE

Once home I had to take our car to the garage to get the exhaust looked at as it wasn't right. Fearing the worst as you do off I went. When there and they got it up on the ramp the guy came in and said that it just needed a new seal and a clamp and that it would only cost around £30 to to fix, result.

Went home to get Matthew as katy got some vouchers off the net for a 500ml bottle of jice for 30p and a car wask of your choice for 50p from BP. So off we went and got the juice and the car washed all for 80p, bargain.

Joe goes to trampolining as a after school activity on a moday from 430 to 530 so he goes to Katy's folks after school who stay right across the road then drop him off in time for it to start. I went along eraly to pick him up in order to grab some pics of him doing his thing. Here you see hm doing a tuck jump.

After supper and the boys were in bed Katy looked out some christmas presents for me to wrap for people we are going out to see on saturday and for some of her friends. I told you I had had a busy day.

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