In Memory of Christian.

Today it's a year since Christian died, and we decided to release 12 white doves in memory of him.

The 12 doves are to represent 12 blessings:- hope, joy, wonder, praise, peace, benevolence, comfort, faith, perseverance, strength, love and grace.

We released the doves early this morning so that it wasn't too hot. There were just the 5 of us there, my husband, Alexandra, my sister and her husband and myself.

It was really hard to capture the doves as they flew out, even though we had several cameras, and this was my effort.

It's hard to believe it's been a year, it's gone so fast.

I know there are a lot of people out there, in the same situation as us, and I've met a lot of them on Blip, and I know you will all understand when I say it never gets any easier.

Love you Christian, miss you more and more each day xxxxx.

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