
By Juleshki


Suprisingly mild this morning. Or was it just me.

My internal thermostat is a little out of kilter at the moment as I am on the edge of a cold - the kind that keeps trying to find a different way of infiltrating my defence systems.

I am determined to be firing on all 10 cylinders by the time Friday afternoon comes around and will not accept any faffing around with a cold.

Despite it being such a grey morning it was also a very beautiful one.

Don't ask me how that works. All I know is that the fresh and earthy smell of the fallen autumn leaves, the cool dampness in the air and the peacefulness of the canal all added up to something special.

It's going to be a good week, but roll on Friday afternoon all the same.

Over the border and into foreign lands....

You guessed right.
It's Yorkshire!

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