The beginning

I have been back to the Doctors today to get my scan results. The appointment was made yesterday following a conversation with one of the reception staff which went like this

"I need to make an appointment with Doctor P"
"What is it for?"
"To get some test results back and discuss treatment"
"Oh, we normally give test results over the phone. We don't normally give appointments for that"
"The Doctor has asked for me to make an appointment"
"Well, we can give you the results over the phone"
"No, I need an appointment"
"Well, we don't normally do that. Can I ask what the tests were? Where they blood tests? Because we give those results out over the phone"
"No, it wasn't blood tests, it was a scan and I have been told to make an appointment, so I am trying to make an appointment!"
God, sorry, I mean the receptionist, eventually capitulated and accepted the instruction of my Doctor by letting me make an appointment.

I don't like the Doctors as a rule. It's nothing personal. I just feel like I am making a fuss about nothing. Wasting their time. I think this comes from two experiences with Doctors in my younger years - once, when I quite obviously had chicken pox and the Doc swore blind I didn't Dad marched me out of the Doctor's office and into the office of one of the other docs, who took one look at me and said "She's got chicken pox". The second time was when I was 19 and struggling with 'women's things' and the advice of the Doctor (the same one who said I didn't have chicken pox) was to "have a baby - that sorts these things out". I'd not long started University...that piece of advice still makes me bloody angry!

Anyway, my view was changed today by seeing my new Doctor - I saw her a few weeks back and she referred me for the scan. Today, she took time with me, read my pain diary carefully, sat and figured out patterns to it and discussed a range of options - things it could be and possible solutions. It looks like we are going to adopt a "ruling out" approach before any invasive procedures, for which I am very grateful.

Tonight I have started on a course of anti-spasmodic tablets...if they make no difference over the next 3 weeks, then we can rule certain things out.

Interestingly, I have had only 4 days out of 6 weeks where I have had no pain. She was concerned about this and how debilitating it is for me. She listened, gave advice and reassured me that this is real and definitely not in my imagination. That helped enormously - it doesn't get rid of the pain, but at least I know I am being taken seriously and not dismissed with a prescription. The pain diary now continues, blood tests next week and then back for results 10 days after that.

I am going to get my own chair at the surgery soon!!!

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