Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward

House in a Hill

Blipfoto is giving me an excuse to either retake snapshots or finally get around to taking my camera to get the pics I've thought about taking.

This house is hidden in an out-of-the-way corner of  Round Valley.

I then drove up to  Point of the Mountain overlook to get some shots of torched trees remaining from the Wallow Wildfire. I walked the mile to Apache Vista and thought about the last time I came up here to take pictures two years ago . . .

. . . Kathy was getting a little worried as I'd been gone for over three hours by the time I got back home; and I hadn't taken the cell (mobile) 'phone with me.

This morning I took the series of picture of the hill during sunrise that I've been promising myself to do. Now how do I splice them into a movie? Plugged the camera into the TV this morning to see the result of standing outside on the deck in the freezing cold taking a snap every fifteen seconds or so over twenty minutes  . . . slide show; fade between pics. I did use a tripod if you're wondering.

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