
By henryfish

Not A Good Day To Forget Your Gloves

... is what I have named today, since despite the thermometer reading a not-unbearable 4 degrees, the RealFeel (registered trademark) temperature hit minus two. If only I had bothered to check the Accuweather app before I left the flat this morning.

It has been a beautiful day though, so I went for a short (well, my hands were cold) wander through the hutongs around the Drum Tower, and did a bit of shopping on everyone's favourite tourist hutong, Nanluoguxiang (of which, after about four years of trying, I seem to have mastered the pronunciation). They seem to be constantly rebuilding the street at the moment, and over the years it has definitely become more trendy and more expensive. Apparently the rent has become so high for foreign businesses that they have all but been forced out, which is a little sad. It's still a great place for a potter though.

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