Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Anyone For Tea ?

What a difference a day makes! Such a beautiful autumnal day yesterday but so wintry today. Definitely damp November .

I remember learning a poem many years about November the " No " month. No colour , no warmth, no change in the dark dull days: just miserable , dreich grey , joyless days. Today fitted that description.

We had to nip to Inveraray for some shopping so , off course, I took the camera with me with a shot like this in mind. Delighted to see David outside his hot snacks shop chatting with a customer under the shop awnings in the rain. Stopped for a blether and got his permission to include his place in my street shot.

That's Inveraray in November for you. Thought I would convert the whole photo to mono but decided I liked the selective colour here showing the street sculptur There are three of this kind of stret art in the main street. Might go back for the butler outside the whisky shop tomorrow, depending on the weather.

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