Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

Lanyon Quoit

Just look at this baby!! I have no idea how this gorgeous thing has managed to remain under my granite radar for so long. This place needs a return visit when there's some good light and bonkers skies, I just completely love it!!
(That's Ding Dong mine again that you can see between it's legs)

Anyway, about the blip thing. I think the 'blip what and when you want' advice is spot on. I just worry sometimes that I shouldn't be writing about my thing, but I do find it wierdly therapeutic and after all, nobody is forced to read it!!!
And on that note... Yesterday was a bit crap really, but with the crapness came some good. The appointment finally made this whole thing seem properly real for the first time. It's finally sunk in that a thoroughly nasty little shit with a massive attitude problem and bad intentions has taken up residency in my body. I cried loads, but that's good. My eyes have been constipated ever since this began and it was such a relief to finally get some tears out. The other 'good' is that things have been hurried along a bit and phase 1 of the Carrie vs Thing showdown begins next Thursday.
I'm going to look like an alien :(
But I do feel quite invinsible at the moment, word is starting to get around in the real world and people have been quite amazing!! I've had cards coming home in Bella's school bag from parents offering help so that Bella's happy little life can bumble along as happily and normally as possible. My friends and family are constantly on hand with hugs, shoulders and treats, and the blip batallions are doing a fantastic job of keeping me positive! I have so many people on my side, and Thing has none on his. He doesn't stand a chance.

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