Today's Special

By Connections

Maybe If He's REALLY Good...

...Santa might bring P this enormous bottle of beer.

Not just any beer -- Stone Brewing Company's Double Bastard Ale. Stone is the largest brewery in southern California, near San Diego, and is on our "must do" beer trip list.

This enormous bottle holds almost 3.5 quarts (about 3.3 liters) and costs $90 (67 Euros, 58 GBP). We saw it while picking up a few last minute items for Thanksgiving at the Community Food Co-op.

Michael the Beer Guy was on duty today, so a couple of (smaller) bottles of interesting beer found their way into our shopping cart, which usually happens, given the almost overwhelming choices offered. To balance that out, Vic the Wine Guy helped me find a locally-made white wine for our Thanksgiving dinner.

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