Graphical Incidentals

By keirfergie

Night Night

Well it's a bit early for bed time but i have been knacked all day. Didnt get to sleep till back of 11 last night doing a wee bit work.

Work was non stop today - why people think it is ok to pull out of interviews the day before i will never know. It's amazing just how many nbosses offer workers a rate increase just before the worker is due to go for an interview..... maybe i should try it!

Emma was off to Aberdeen today with her auld maw doing a spot of shopping. Calum is through from Aberdeen this weekend so we are having a few drinks at Kevin and seonaid's

Saturday we are off to rebecca and robin's for a wee drink and food..... food is always well good at theirs. Although i think i'll pass if Robin is cooking... the boy has made chocolate pasta before and fancies himself as a bit of a heston

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