things that make me go mm

By vixtrix

Hunter dog......

This is my hunter dog when she has sensed a woodland creature that needs executing.

Sadly, being a Great Dane, she is not very good at it. Actually she is bloody useless!! She has never caught a thing - but she does like to look the part.

On the other hand, her little sidekick Poppet, is a one dog killing machine (seen here straining to get off her extendable lead but she is not allowed - her call back is not too hot - she is like Forest Gump and just keeps running). My daughter used to have hamsters and was not very good at keeping the food in a container. The mice would invade her room at night and think all their Christmas' had come at once. So one night I took Poppet up to her room. She executed all three mice very, very swiftly.

They were not blind by the way. But they were very dead in a second or two.

She is a very efficient killer - and humane. She doesn't eat or play with the carcass. I like to think she respects the dead.

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