Boundary Dwellers

By Hell4Murph


S graduated from Stirling University today. The ceremony (James Naughtie as Chancellor gave the address) took place in the Albert Halls in the town. We decided to avoid the rammy at the official reception out at the campus and went instead up the hill to the Castle.

Coffee and cake in the cafe, then up to the newly-reopened Palace, the Great Hall and the Chapel.

The palace is stunning - astonishingly vibrant colours on the ceilings and walls. All accurate reproductions based on analysis of old paint still traceable. The tapestries were on the loom the last time I saw them, so it was wonderful to see them on the walls of the Queen's rooms and to consider how all the other faded tapestries I've seen over the years must originally have looked. The website photos don't do any of it justice, really.

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