Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Uninvited Guests

These two showed up Thanksgiving morning. Tsk. Don't you just love company unannouced? The little Dachsund we're 'dog-sitting' tried her best to discourage them but they would have none of that. They insisted upon staying. After 4 hours and a few phone calls (no one seemed to be home on Thanksgiving Day) I finally found out where they belonged. Turns out Mr. and Mrs. Baa Ram Ewe made a wrong turn into our drive. They belonged at the next house down, 1/4 mile away. Of course those people had gone to California for the holiday. Another neighbor came to the rescue and offered to 'round 'em up' and take them home. After the small rodeo in our yard, he did manage to get the Mr. headed in the right direction with Mrs. following.
'Twas a neighborly thing to do. :-) Maybe I should make him some cookies.
Or maybe Mr. and Mrs. Gone to California should.

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