investigations of a dag

By kasty

a growing glass

Could this be the worst image yet? Probably.. but so many signs of things brewing today it just seemed to fit. Is it not better to have had a nice time than to have taken the perfect picture? does this sound familiar?
I'm listening. Snap. Snap. No really please go on.
Other people won out for me today. Sorry blip gods. Be kind.

First off I received wise counsel from a generous friend that has calmed my cold feet jitters a bit on a big decision. I leave charged up for the hard work and risks ahead.Risks being ok sometimes, right?

Met good friend R in mama de waga's . Ok I singularly failed to get a good picture of the jasmine tea blossoming but that's because the company bloomed so bright. She brought me tea all the way from China (just like Mr. Cohen says) and has some big things going on her life too.

My temporarily moustached brother PJ is over. Nice to catch up on his impending Daddy-hood. Already very excited and proud. So much growing there too.

After some warm mulled cider to take a few degrees off the wind chill factor, I get home to Radio 3 and it's unza unza time. Gawd bless you Mary Ann Kennedy for laying on an audio bouquet of such weird and wonderful flowers. Her Radio Scotland show Global Gathering was also mighty fine.

Can't find a clips of Amel Mathlouthi - Fi kolli yawmen and Jelena Jakubovitch - I cannot love you anymore, but find them if you can. Voices to cry over.

The day has brewed, I'm off to bed before it stews.. night

PS.. did find Jelena in the end

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