The second half of life..

By twigs


Oohh! It was a very cold one this morning. Forget what the TV weather man says - it was -8 degrees C in these parts. Cold, cold, cold!! (Lovely day though)

This shot of my frosty tin roof was a challenge in more than one respect:

1. I had to go outside to get it!
2. I had to construct a makeshift platform to stand on to get myself up to roof level.
3. The platform was topped with a frosty stool from the garden
4. I did it all in my dressing gown!

The things we do to get a blip!!!!

Another day of relief tomorrow but at least I don't have to be there until 10.00am :) More of the cold stuff is on the forecast.

Detox is good - I feel better today than I have all week - less cravings, more energy, NO headache from caffeine withdrawal - but I'm still looking forward to being able to have a biscuit with a coffee!! Roll on Saturday morning!

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