seen by highonahill

By highonahill

Words and pictures fail me

Today - just me, my camera phone and a seat for one at the matinée of Lovesong at the Minerva Theatre (the studio theatre at Chichester Festival Theatre), a desperately haunting and beautiful production intertwining the past and present of a couple's entire relationship, severed only by the most final of all breaks. A review in The Times said: 'You may well not leave it dry-eyed'.

I didn't.

Then on returning home, I found out that a friend, who I have shared a stage with many a time with over the last 25 years, is in hospital after having a stroke. I have no details, but needless to say my thoughts are with him and his family and hoping his recovery is swift and complete.

Two unconnected events - one a beautiful fiction - and one so unforgivingly real... it makes me think about how fragile life really is.

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