My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Young Amadeus.

I had no idea what sort of production of Amadeus I was going to see tonight. I was offered a ticket, and accepted, as I love seeing live performances, I am not frightfully fussy.
We have a good theatre in Uppingham, with a great variety on offer. Germaine Greer, Brian Sewell, plays, poets, Simon Callow next month, the list goes on. And of course school productions, as the theatre is attached to the school.

I realised when I looked at the program that it was to be a school play. I had only seen one, a production of Macbeth where a fight scene ended up with Macbeth crashing into a house master who was sitting in the front.

I did not know what to expect. I knew the story of course, having fallen for the film 20 odd years ago.
I must say, they were excellent. It was really good. Tons better than anything we ever put on at school. I now want to see the film again. I loved the bit when Saliere read Mozart's music and said it was the voice of God.
I must also listen to Mozart's Requiem again.
I remember playing that as the music to a croquet match when we lived in Ireland. The croquet faded, as the Pimms was far too strong. I made it in a bowl, with fruit etc, soaked in gin. Along came the co host, who thought the gin was melted ice and added more. Then the Pimms and ginger ale or whatever.

We made it to the fourth hoop, and decided to crash out and listen to Mozart instead.

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