
By jackparry

German Exchange 2011

This is it! Went to Bury today, it was the busiest I've ever seen it before, and it took literally 20 minutes to walk down the street whereas usually it would take like 5. It was because of the Christmas market going on; we took our partners round Stow this morning, then got on the train and straight to McDonald's of course, however 2 of us were very upset at the fact our nuggets hadn't been put in the bag +o(

Anyway, had lunch in Abbey Gardens, had a look round (saw a couple of reindeer!), then round the shops wishfully looking at the £40 items from Topman.

Went round Emily's this evening, from the left is Melanie, Emily's exchange, Heather, Pauline, my exchange, Emily, myself and Xandra, Heather's exchange.

Going to Felixstowe tomorrow, should be good!

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