Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Sunday Morning Sunshine

I think this is one of those shots that you maybe wouldn't know is me from the thumbnails - I really admire shots like this by others so thought I would give it a go. Honest feedback would be appreciated - I can take the critique! I haven't messed with it, just changed it to B&W

This was the second choice

I was up early as I had to work a bit this morning. Then a spot of shopping and a big walk up the woods. Home for a bacon sandwich and big mug of tea :)

I am now pitched in the snug with a fire crackling away. An afternoon of eBay is calling me - I had intended to wrap more presents but I forgot to buy more sodding sellotape!

Another M&S Dine for £10 dinner this afternoon. Then I have a box of camembert for supper with some crusty bread. I am going to spike it with garlic and thyme then roast it through the oven......mmmmmmmmm how decadent :)

Have a great Sunday everyone x

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