Through The Autism Lens


Puss in Boots

Hello everyone, I'm back! - Sorry it's been so long since I last blipped, but I'm back again now and Mom is going to do some photo challenge pictures with me to get me through till xmas. Mom did these challenges a while back but gave up after a bit because some of them weren't that easy to do. She says we're not going to follow them all in order, and if one is too hard to do she will make one of her own up for me to do instead! We're not going to start the challenge until 1st December though, so for today's Blip I am using a photo of Mitzy playing at being Puss in Boots off Shrek!!

Mom has also been very busy today and has backblipped quite a few photo's for me, so below is a list of them. Enjoy!!


*18th August
*22nd August
*23rd August
*25th August
*30th August
*31st August
*5th September
*6th September
*7th September
*23rd September
*26th September
*30th September
*2nd October
*14th October
*16th October
*19th October
*20th October
*24th October
*26th October
*27th October
*28th October
*29th October
*30th October
*2nd November

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