a w a y

By PoWWow

S C H W E A T Y : D I S C O P A R T Y

It would've been more in our nature to sneak out of the city in the middle of the night and leave farewell notes to our nearest + dearest. But we quickly decided that we definitely needed to have an amazing leaving party and gather all of these delicious people we have been so lucky to scoop up into our lives over the last nine years. We found the perfect place to have it; The Klondyke Club in Levvie- run by deliriously friendly folk who let us bring in a greedy sound system and turned on the extra special disco lights to really make a proper d i s c o party. Overwhelmed by the number of astoundingly brilliant people, we swayed our way from person to person exchanging longingly romantic farewells and overviews of years of friendship. Showered once more in heart warmingly meaningful presents, we felt like the luckiest-most-loved people in the world. We were given a book, by a brilliant and most inspiring woman named Nes who'd spent months gathering pictures of all our friends who each held up a letter to spell out Goodbye and good luck Danna- I feel like I must find a way to upload it onto Blip, because this is the sort of keep sake that needs to come with us on every turn of our journey. Four other of our great buddies had formed a band in secret, to lay on a show for us at the party : Sage against the Tagine they are called, and they hammered out a set of perfectly played Rage tunes- with our gorgeous friend Si Si learning to play the bass in a month specially for it. Steaming around in a high energy mosh pit has never felt so amazing when it's your best friends in the world that you're swinging and charging into.. The picture featured here today is an over excited pap of the outer mosh.

We shook steps to great musique and swigged on excellent beer the club had bought in specially for us. We cuddled and snuggled and wiggled and jiggled. Dan and I then excitedly got up to lay on a set of [a real mixed bag] tunes and beamed when we looked down and saw all of our jolly mates leaping about like lions. It was just too bad that one of my volunteers got too drunk and started beating up all of my friends and got the party shut down early and set Danna had to finish well before the real disco had started playing.. But in true joyous form, this was soon forgotten and we all trotted over to Nick's house to party the night away.

I haven't even mentioned the amazing last Manchester Critical Mass that I went on before party time, where we pedaled + pottered round the roads that we brilliantly took over. Bringing illuminated bicycles and trailer sound systems around the cold November evening nattering to people you knew and people you didn't- just one of the bloody awesomely epic things I'm going to miss about this great city..

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