In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Brand New Key

I really ought to get A Brand New Key as this is the key for my car. I am now using the spare one, so all is not lost. I used to leave the spare one at whatever garage had my car in for a service or new tyre or whatever, but I guess I will not be able to d that from now on.
The price they charge, I believe, for a replacement car key, is slightly cost prohibitive, so I will just leave it and put the broken one is safe place, where I will forget where I put it when I really need it.
Just stayed at home today and since the weather was kind, we gave the garden a good tidy up for winter. Fleecing some plants and putting straw over the strawberries., and pulling up heaps and heaps of parsley and putting it in the compost buckets.

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