
By earthdreamer


Look for a leaf!

I love trees, and I'm sure I'm not alone here in that. I suspect that as we descend rapidly towards winter I'll be blipping lots more of them - and quite unashamedly! In some ways they make for an easy blip, especially when the light is poor and there is not much else on offer, but then again it is not necessarily that easy to do them justice. And, of course, not all trees are made equal. Aesthetics are very important, like with all photography.

I can't say that I've ever particularly noticed this specific tree before now, sitting proudly above the Lower Tarn, but after examining the photos I took before coming into the office, this one just stood out above all the rest. I love the shape of this tree. I like its general demeanor. Before this weekend most of the deciduous trees still had a few remaining leaves but a lot have now been stripped completely naked by the strong winds. This one looks to have been laid bare but on close examination I think there might just be a couple remaining!

Following on from yesterday's Parallel Convergence I'm convinced that there must be a certain angle that two walls need to subtend to create the illusion of forming parallel lines. It's the angle of neutralisation of perspective! But what is this angle? My logical brain is so addled at the moment that I can't work it out! That's sad at a number of levels I fear! Can anyone help?

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