Made in Scotland

By madeinscotland

Scotland The World Over

This is wee Felix. He is a lucky little tyke and has dual citizenship - Canadian and Scottish. We make him fly the flag all the time, so entering a picture for Scotland the World Over was easy (if you don't know, it's a challenge to post the saltire all over the world).

To explain Felix's odd expression.....

We were at my friend's house yesterday and he spotted Alta's (my friend Tara's little girl's) Sofie giraffe. If you have children, you probably have a Sofie. If you don't have children, Sofie is an amazing teething toy. Anyway, Felix spotted Sofie and chomped on her all afternoon. So I had to go out and buy a Sofie as he is definitely teething. He's just a little annoyed in the picture as I pulled Sofie giraffe away so we could see the saltire.

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