Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Center Parcs: Day 3

William and I spent the morning at Bury St. Edmunds out of hours Doctors as he had developed Balanitis again. How many small health problems can one small boy have? Armed with a cream which contained antibiotics and hydrocortisone we headed back to Center Parcs.

The rest of the party had spent the morning bowling. Nanna won, much to everyone's surprise, including her own. I got back in time to go skating with my Min. Her feet are too big this year for rollertots so it was the real thing this year. She did really well. Only had tears once in the whole hour, after she sat down hard on her bum. Personally I prefer iceskating, I seem to be able to control my feet better on ice, but would love to try roller blades as I think it may have something to do with the wheel position.

On the way back to the house we stopped at the singing reindeer, Will had a quick play in the park whilst Carys was drawn like a magnet to the Barn Owl and even managed to put a glove on and have it on her hand for a little while. Carys decided not to go swimming today, preferring to go out on her bike with Daddy. She didn't fall off once, although the bike fell over a couple of times, so she told me. William played inside with Nanna, while I did a bit of sorting for going home.

Just after five we headed out for the fireworks. I had great intentions of taking some photos, but Carys needed lifting to see so I had William in my arms. That in itself was lovely as he mostly had a look of wonder on his face and the occasional 'wow' escaped from him.

Then it was back to Huck's for more food. William made me laugh, bearing in mind he still has a very sparse vocabulary, almost as soon as the waiter appeared at the table he was bellowing 'PLATE' at him, knowing that as the kids have a buffet at Huck's as soon as he had a plate he could eat.

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