Scrawny Old Man

By richtoller

Around the house: F

The eagerly awaited long delayed (but nobody noticed) return to my alphabetical 'around the house' series. Frame (not a frame, but the mouldings to make frames).
Helene and Bill run the wonderful Letham Craft shop in Letham, Angus. One of Bill's jobs there is framing pictures. I frame pictures as a hobby, and to raise some money for our church building fund - and buy most of my mouldings from there. Bill gave me a lot of offcuts and I've just sorted them out. Some bits too small to be any use, some I might not want to, but others I can definitely use. Here are a few of them - so in exchange for the free mouldings, they get a bit of free publicity.
Does this make your eyes go funny? My eyes refuse to believe the picture's rectangular, with all these diagonal lines - the sides seem to slope the other way.

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