Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Where are all the C, D, E and F's?

Has someone else out there got them? Can I trade some please, I have plenty of i's, l's and o's. Carys is very frustrated that she can't make her name but that she can make William's.

Back to normal today, school for Carys, T's for William, sorting for me. I didn't play games this morning though, Class R were doing there first rehersal for their Christmas play on the stage at school so I had the task of sticking 39 ping pong balls onto the pointy end of 39 chip cones. Then I cut up 39 pieces of red ribbons and divided up raisins, mini marshmallows, jelly tots and dolly mixtures into 20 little bowls ready for the kids to make Christingles with.

Funnily enough it was a cold, windy, wet day and I didnt venture far. Hence this Blip.

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