Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

A Good Day

I hate to say it but....I love my job. I know, I must be mad, but I do.

Today was a very good day, I met my boss so we could plan out 2012 and I am really excited by lots of great stuff we are going to be doing. Not that I am wishing the next 4 weeks away at all but I do like starting a new year :) The traffic I was stuck in on the way home wasn't so good but you cant have everything go your way can you!

Mum has come up from Cornwall and bought some yummy pasties which we had for dinner - delicious. We are now all sat in the snug having a catch up and planning Christmas........I am oh so excited about Turkey, bread sauce, pigs in blankets, potato dauphinous, baked camembert, brussel sprouts, crackers, presents, christmas tree, roaring fire......need I go on?

As much as I love work, it is so nice to only have two days of work left. A busy three day weekend ahead :)

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