
By burnergirl36

The best sight of Jack since i have been away!!!!

Had a great day today. Spoke to my sister who is living at my Mams at the moment and they got Jack in the room and I could actually see him properly!!! Which is miracle as thy have the window right behind them so normally i just see them all in black blobs.

Jack looked AMAZING, very happy, relaxed and cheeky. My sister admitted that he was a little depressed when i left, sitting at the back door waiting for me and very quiet but he is back to himself now. He must of forgotten me.... or lost track of time (I like to think).

So all in all I am grateful to my parents and sister for keeping him so happy. I miss him like mad and every day wish i could walk him, dance with him and look after him but he is honestly in the right place. It is still far too hot for him here.

Need to get a flight booked to go and see him... I will be ill with excited.

Excuse the picture but I was taking a picture of the computer screen!!!

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