Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


Teviot: The oldest purpose-built student union in the UK. It's lovely inside, with lots of quirky rooms and halls. We have salsa in there, and a lot of bars. They've started lighting it up at night which is lovely, even when it's horrid and windy and rainy like tonight!

Today I finished work, 9 shifts are over and we've raised over £68,000 for the university. We have a celebratory meal tomorrow night which is paid for by the university (not from money that we've raised though), so that should be good fun. After my lecture this morning I went to do some of my promotional work and bullied Matt With The Broken Leg to come and help me, so I'm very grateful for him for helping me give away Easter eggs!

Swimming with Sophie and Jonathan tomorrow morning - after being in the library until 1am last night I think I might go to bed now!

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