Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Eagle eyed boy

William spotted this cat this morning on the way home from Music Train. It took me ages to cotton on to what he was trying to tell me. He was great at Music train today, singing along and shouting out in all the right places. He is moving up a class after Christmas, I just hope it doesn't phase him as he is really coming into his own atthe moment.

Swimming was good too. He almost, almost went on his back. Went on a woggle of his own free will, if only for five minutes and earned his Duckling 2 award. Sadly they didn't have a certificate, I will pick it up in a few weeks, but he did get his badge and he was so proud he wouldn't let anyone take it off him.

We picked Carys up from school early to take her to see an orthopod about her knee pain. Grrr! Still fuming. Apparently pain isn't an issue for a child of her age as long as there is no swelling. I had told him (he didn't introduce himself so I dont know his name or grade) that the pain is severe enough to wake her at night and asked about hypermobility, to which I was told that 'no one knows what hypermobililty means, or5 what to do about it'. I was gobsmacked. What a waste of time. He examined less well than our GP and didn't even look at her gait pattern. I'm so cross now as at the time I was trying to contain William and wasn't at all on my normal biligerent physio self. I will be asking for a re-referral if her pain gets worse and I will be specifying a different team or even hospital.

Kids home, homework done, food eaten, in bed and asleep by 6.30pm. Thai curry being cooked, beer chilling in the fridge. Time for Mummy to chill too.

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