Christmas Shopping

I met up with lovely friend Marita for coffee and toasted raisin bread in the Cafe at Salts Mill today and we talked the hind legs off a nearby donkey. Afterwards I rambled through the very gorgeous but very expensive Christmas goodies in the Home department then searched in Rohan for a fleece for Tony without success. Success did come in the bookstore where I found five presents for friends and resisted the temptation to bring home even more lovely booky things. I like blipping in the Mill and, as I only had an out of focus nuthatch and a ford road sign where some wit had added 'I'm in love with Betty' in the grime...I have decided to go with warmth and colour...and the brilliant lamps of the bookstore.

I also unwittingly blipped my Evening Class tutor in the shot! Might be gold star or demerit at the next class.

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