Reikes small life...

By Reike


Clean windows, clean flat, clean mind!
Even repotted Siggi, the swiss cheese-plant. When I still lived in Germany I had not believed somebody telling me to get the screwdriver out first to be able to clean your windows...
Had a great kick-start into the day in the morning before my mad cleaning-session: A fantastic hack with Farina and a 50 min swim.
Farina is more than fit right now! Today she got really nervous in front of a jump with tires - usually she is scared by that one. So I thought I will get her close to it to have a look at the scary thing - in reality she was nervous because she wanted to jump it! So she did, me completly behind her movement... The next two jumps I knew what she was up to and managed to look more elegant.
She got 15 years old last week and with all her leg problems and the injuries of the last years it makes me so happy to have her full of energy!

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