
By DaveyTrain

Lawn Fairy!

To the average punter, this may look just look like an ordinary front lawn in suburbia, but that is where you would be wrong. This lawn is owned by possibly the only other nice people in Toilet Town. Lucky for us, they live right next door.

They are a young couple with a 2 year old daughter and another on the way. They own their own business and work 7 days a week. Last time they had the lawns done, the scoundrel they hired hit them for $200 and did a crappy job.

Amazingly, after mowing my lawns today, I noticed the Lawn Fairy had mown their lawn, trimmed the bushes and edges, as well as getting the blower out and cleaning the paths front and back.

I'm surprised I didn't see or hear anything because it would have been a big job. The grass was quite long.

A nice surprise when they get home from work.

Fortunately the Lawn Fairy has some cold beer in the fridge... ;)

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