running commentary

By Stesedthat

Pride of Cumbria

With plenty of spare time before running the Cumbria cross country championships this afternoon I took Scamp up Latrigg. We didn't get far before being asked to deviate from the path due to an incident which Mountain Rescue were attending to a little further up the hill. So we invented our own route across a couple of fields and a stream. Suddenly we were greeted by the magnificent site of the Air Ambulance parked on a bit of flat ground right in front of us. I had a chat to the fellas who were with it and they were more than happy for me to take some photos.

Essentially you are looking the Coledale Horseshoe here with Causey Pike being the bobbly one to the left, Grisedale Pike sitting under the rotor and between those two hidden in the cloud will be the likes of Crag Hill, Eel Crag and Grassmoor

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