Life Photographically.

By SaraJean

The controversy

I will not lie, I like a nice cold can of coke after a long day, it's really nice. And then they came out with the "holiday" cans, and I was super excited, and knew I was going to snap a photo of them before the disappeared. But today was the day, after reading this news atricle about the new cans, I just had to shake my head.

Firstly these cans are white, not silver, and please just learn to read if you are that opposed to regular or diet coke.
Secondly, coke from a red can taste no better or worst then coke from a white can, I would know.
Thirdly, grow up, we're all adults we can handle working 40+ hours, keeping a house tidy, going to school, looking after kids and dealing all the BIG things/issues on a daily basis, I think we should be able to handle coke changing the colour of their cans for a limited time.

You'd think the general population would have better things to worry about... you know like poverty, drugs, war, death...

/shakes head.

I like the new cans, and they are distinctively coke (also the box you buy it in is still red) And here is a comparison of the "new" can and a diet can. Ok so it may bug me too much too....

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