Daily Encounters

By RonaldBerry

Earth and Sky

I had a picture in mind all week of the plowed dirt furrows around the base of one of the huge irrigators in a field alongside of route 26 up on the plateau north of Madras. Early this morning, I parked the car on a side road at the far end of the irrigator and walked the quarter mile length of the rig to get the photo I wanted. It was more than a bit nippy at 15 F.

While taking the irrigator photos a low wing plane few over twice at about 500ft. I realized it was doing "touch and go" landing practice at the airport that is just across the highway back where my car was parked. When I returned to the car I sat for a bit warming my frozen fingers. It occurred to me, as I enjoyed the view of Mount Jefferson that filled my car's windshield, that the next time the plane made its approach for landing it would pass between me and the mountain.

I set up my little point and shoot camera, pre-focused it and framed the image and waited for the plane to appear. I am so stoked to say that I was not disappointed. Attached is the photo that resulted; a pre-meditated "snap-shot".

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