Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Rats in the garden.....

Tidied up the garden a bit today, very happy to see that the geraniums are still flowering - love the colour of this one, it's beautiful. I'm bringing some of the plants inside now though to save them from frost, not sure where to put them though, I need a cool place, away from the radiators!

We ended up sweeping up about a ton of leaves, and Gary had to climb up a ladder and clear the guttering too as it was all blocked with more of them. Love having a few trees in the garden but they do make a mess!

Bit of a shock though to find that we've had rats in the garden shed (formerly an outside toilet) and that they've managed to munch their way through a whole box of fat balls. There was a rat corpse on the drive earlier in the week so one of the cats had caught it - probably because it was too tubby to run away after all that food. I stocked up the bird feeders two weekends ago and it was all fine then so they've moved in recently.

Gary is going to put some traps down, he's swept it all out and blocked off a hole in the wall at the back so hopefully that will sort it out. Don't think I'll be venturing in there now though :-/

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