Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Gretna Murmuration

I must thank Visionsofcumbria for the tip-off regarding the time to be at Gretna Services to see the wonderful spectacle of a Starling Murmuration.

We arrived at the services about 3.15 pm and checked out the A74 where we could see groups of Starlings gathering on electricity pylons. About 3.50 they started to move off in large groups gathering together in one massive murmuration over the M74. What an amazing sight it was as they went through what I can only describe as an aerial ballet.

However, trying to get a blip of the display was another matter as they moved about rapidly. We changed our position to the road bridge over the M74 where I hoped I would get sight of the murmuration as is passed through the only cloud free area of sky. I took quite a few blips before I eventually managed to get this one, although half the Starlings are still in the dark cloud rather than the brighter sky where I wanted them! Also I couldn't capture a shot where part of the murmuration is tightly packed together and much darker than the rest of the cloud.

However, mission accomplished and tighter groups can wait until another day!

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