
I think it was Damon Albarn who said, "I'm a part-time swimmer, but my heart's not in it." Summat like that anyway. Today it was very much a case of get in the pool, do the lengths and just get it over with despite the general lack of enthusiasm or enjoyment. Then go and do something else.

The something else was good tho', Christmas Fayre at the local playgroup. Really nice atmosphere, lots of happy faces, kids looking like they were having fun and parents not looking particularly frazzled by the whole experience. And I don't know who it was who made the pistachio and chocolate fudge slices for the cafe but they were amazing. I doubt you're reading this, but I will be coming after you for the recipe.

Turns out the jazz track I linked to yesterday was from someone's all-time favourite jazz album so I'll stick to the genre today and give you something delightful that I was listening to whilst cooking the Sunday dinner.

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