sub-plinth nooks

For some reason the radiators were less fascinating than they were when he first visited when the museum reopened. Despite discovering the wee downlighted holes underneath some of the plinths on the ground level of the animal section he got around to looking at some of the exhibits this time. The roof terrace wasn't open and the engines weren't operating but it was still enough to occupy him for a few hours, which (added to the hour going and hour returning) gave Nicky five clear hours in which to shuffle some crap around and clear out the cupboard at the top of the stairs sufficiently to allow the filing cabinet to be installed therein later on. I was expecting there to be a big bag filled with the things which she considered to be rubbish but to whose summary disposal I might object but the only rubbish was proper rubbish. Wanting to be left at home to spend a few hours cleaning out a cupboard seemed an odd thing to want to do on a birthday but it's rare these days that she gets to spend a few hours going through a cupboard when the wingpiglet is about or when I might pop up and look into the cupboard over her shoulder with a troubled expression and generating an air of concern over the fate of things which might appear to be rubbish to the untrained eye.

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