Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Last minute lights

Yes. Well.

I was going to photograph the courthouse at Katoomba this afternoon, but I was offered a lift one, so didn't walk past them. It was too grey and dreary to find birds to photograph - other than the juvenile blackbird that died after flying into our back window. And that just seemed far too sad.

In a piece of synchronicity, a little before my wife rang and told me about the blackbird, I had gone for a walk, and ended up at the cemetery just down the road from the hospital. Lovely yellow flowers everywhere, and a few birds - but no memory card in the camera.

I was struck, at the cemetery, by the way religious sectarian divisions are maintained even post mortem. Over in one corner was the Anglican section, and over here the baptist section, and there the Methodist, and this little corner can hold the Jews ... And so on. Seems to me absolutely terrible. Even in death we must remain apart and different? Sad.

Anyway, as I said: no memory card with me there. So at home, in desperation, I turned the camera on the Christmas tree.


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