
Awake before the alarm this morning which was brilliant as today is the first day of my holidays and it was so nice not to have to get up and dash about.
I wish I could say it was a day of leisure as it wasn't, well I suppose it was in a way as what I did today was of my choosing.

Decorating is the order of the week, made a good start, felt a bit resentful being indoors though as the sun was shining. Today's blip is from my alpine garden, this one has so many flower buds its amazing. I've enjoyed today catching up on blips, comments and some new members of the blip community. Will continue to catch up throughout the week. Just so good not to be in work

Had to go into college tonight to set up my work for the exhibition on Wednesday, sods law no-one there, seems to have been a bit of a mix up. Left my stuff there and will ring the tutor tomorrow to ensure the work goes up. My Polish friend Mariunz will go in tomorrow to sort it out if I have no luck.

Hope the week has got off to a good start

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