The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

A Man's home......

Afternoon all

Bitterly cold but beautiful winters day, though not officially winter, bloody damn cold, beautiful Autumn then.
Lazy day today catching up on films/programmes not watched yet.......great day ;0)

This is Rossend Castle. Not always known as such but has been around since 1119. Was once the home of the Abott of Dunfermline. Mary, Queen of Scots stayed over to the detriment of her personal secretary who was infatuated. He was caught on the backstairs dragged off to St. Andrews and beheaded at the Mercat Cross. Before the axe fell he said "Adieu, thou most beautiful and most cruel Princess in the world." Stalking a woman as powerful and ruthless as Mary was probably never going to be a great idea.

The castle, after several changes of hands, came into Fife Council ownership and were going to flatten the castle. After public consultation they decided not to. It was sold for £350 to Robert Hurd & Partners, who restored it and retain the building as their offices.
In 1957, an early 17th-century painted timber ceiling was discovered; it is now in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.

Great views over the docks from here and a fine looking buiding, glad they saved it.

Keep wrapped up, have a great day ;0)


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