
The remote hamlet of Capraia lies 800 mtrs above sea level in the Apennines overlooking the beautiful Garfagnana valley. It was from here in 1897 that my then 16 year old Grandfather, Giovanni, left with his brother Carlo on their journey to Scotland. They left behind their parents and five siblings.

Who can imagine the mixture of excitement and trepidation as they set off on the first leg of their journey down the mule track to the neighbouring village of Sillico. It was on that very track this summer that NM slipped, fell and broke her leg. You can read more of that story here.

After initially working for another Italian on the island of Rothesay they eventually settled in Saltcoats where they set up their own ice cream and confectionary business.

Carlo went off to join the Italian army in the First World War. He sadly died and is buried in the Sacrario of Bari. The local newspaper of the time reported his death and his subsequent Memorial Service. He is remembered on the war memorials both in Sillico and Saltcoats.

My sister recently sent me this advert for their two cafes in Saltcoats. I don't know where it was featured or the date of it's publication but it has to be sometime before the first World War.

I previously told the story of how my Grandparents met, here

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