My exciting life lol

By Babs4677

All tucked up

Cohen had made a special bed for francie incase he got tired after goin to visit santa last nite. During his visit to santa, francie told abt how the boys really looked after me when i was sick yday (in reality they said awe gross mummy and ran away shuttin all doors behind them) and helped by puttin all the baubles on the tree for me. Santa was so proud he sent 2gold choc coins bk with francie for the boys. Francie drew them a card with a tree on front and a lovely letter inside with the 2coins. The boys wee faces this morn were priceless. Wow they really are gettn attached to the little fella. Cohen wont go to bed without sayin goodnite to him and every time we leave the house he goes and tells him we are away and where we will be. So funny.

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