
By tookie

Bridge near Duvall

This bridge is right where I make a turn off to the dog park in the country! Looking especially lovely today!

Not the best of news from Big R on his dad--my father in law. Originally we thought he would benefit from having a shunt put in but today the expert said it would not reverse any of the cognitive effects--the memory losses. His dad doesn't even remember falling. Trying to remove this frontal cyst is an option not recommended either. Basically they recommend to just leave it alone with hopes it won't grow. But it's very uncertain and could cause more things in the future--some quite bad. For now his balance is better and he is stronger from the therapy. It will be a hard road for his dad and mom from here on out. Things are pretty dysfunctional with other family members too back there so that is a huge concern. Big R will come home to Seattle area Wed. night and will have to see about arranging more trips down the road to be checking in. Thank goodness his sister just retired and lives close by too.

Thanks for the concerns and love.

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