world outside your window

By thewanderlust

All signs point to...?

Another, just off the ferry home, uhoh I've not blipped yet iphone blips!

Busy, busy at work. I didn't even realise til I got home and M cooked dinner that I'd not stopped for lunch. Need to try and get back into an exercise routine as at the moment it's just get up early, catch the ferry into the CBD, come home late, eat dinner, faff then bed.

Plus it's been aaaages since I've commented on other journals. I'm so sorry. I guess it always takes time to settle into a new routine. I'll fit blip back in soon, instead of these rushed posts and no time to enjoy yours!

Really must start trying to surf before work too :)

Anyhow, I rather like this sign which sits outside the floatplane dock beside the ferry wharf at Rose Bay. But how many miles to Edinburgh?

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