running commentary

By Stesedthat

All the greats

You know those super duper winter days when you are grateful to be alive?
Today was one such day.
We set out from Carlisle before sun up and watched it rise as we drove South. I got a photo and its quite a nice one too.


When I got to Penrith to work at one of those fancy mansions on Beacon Edge I was almost shocked into silence by the glorious view the fella had from his house.
From the garden terrace we see so many great mountains. Clough head and the Dodds through Helvellyn and Catstycam and St Sunday. Also the top end of the High St range.
Out of this shot but certainly within plain sight from the upper windows of the property is also Blencathra and her surrounding fells.

As the day drew on it became rather gloomy and snowed a little and rained a lot.

What a day to leave my 'proper' camera in the office though eh? I did think about bringing one of my other SLR bodies and a good lens with me for the day but decided instead to just put the compact in my pocket. Doh!

(oh - yes, thats Penrith in the foreground. Despite lacking the controls of a SLR this little Sony does at least allow exposure compensation so I was able to darken the largely uninteresting town in favour of keeping the highlights unclipped and therefore still available to work on in lightroom to bring them 'out' of the sky a little better then they looked originally.)

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