
By traceyflowerpot

Strawberry Muffin ...

I know this isn't the best of shots, especially for a food one, but I have had an extremely busy day today.

I have been sorting through the images for the lady whom I did a photo shoot for yesterday, which we both really enjoyed.

Also it is Aaron's big day tomorrow at Norwich at 4.30pm for his assesment for modelling.

They sent me an email to say that I have to take his measurements, and that when we get there they will talk to him to see how he responds to strangers, and they will take a small photo shoot.

I cant wait, I am so excited, I asked Aaron if he is excited, he just said "It will be OK", I think he is excited, but at the same time a little nervous.

But he will be OK, he is good lad, and very good in fronyt of the camera, and he will hold it together.

Good Luck Aaron, not that you will need it.

Love Always

Mum xxx

Sorry I didnt comment yesterday, I will try and catch up this evening.

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